It's been 3 months since Plasticseize and our mission was launched to the public in May. In that time, word of our ambitious project has been spreading.
We have been posting on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and have just recently set up a page on LinkedIn as well to try and reach as many people as possible. Peter was on local radio in Cumbria, he handed out flyers about our charity at a local event, and news about Plasticseize also made the front page in a Petersfield paper.
Across all our platforms, we gather basic analytics of who follows and interacts with us, and during these first few months, we are so pleased to see just how far and wide our followers are from as you can see in the image below.

We may be a UK registered charity, but the issue of ocean plastic is a global one impacting us all. Over the coming months, we hope that awareness of Plasticseize and our mission continues to spread and grow around the world.
You can help - please continue to tell your friends, family and colleagues about us. Encourage them to find and follow us on one of our platforms, and who knows what this map might look like in another 3 months time.
Thanks again to you all for your support - we really appreciate it, and without you our mission to reduce the amount of ocean plastic would not be possible.